
Dog Diary Site/Getting Familiar with JavaScript

I'm working on a little site (could turn into an app if it's not one already) that I've been calling Dog Diary, one place to add, update, and see any important pet reminders. For context, I have two lovely pets and work a full-time job. I'm pretty good at remembering things but sometimes I just have so much on my mind that I forget what I've already done. My daily routine has been that as soon as I get home I feed Autumn (my cat) then take Ivory (my dog) on a walk. However, recently when I came back from a walk, Autumn began following me and I couldn't remember if I'd fed her so I fed her again. I thought to myself, "it'd be nice if I had a place to log if and when I'd fed my animals."  I also have a friend who has 2 dogs and 2 cats that have each needed some form of medication taken at specific times, not to mention the individual dosages. She said that it was a lot for her to keep track of and she was worried about forgetting a step.  So,

Bootcamp Update

 I'm officially 4 months into my bootcamp experience and I'm moving on to the backend side of things now. They're introducing me to Express, testing, RESTful APIs, and it's... a lot. I'm a visual learner so I think it's hard for me to visualize how my code is actually manipulating the data whereas in frontend, that's pretty much the whole point. I might have to create a visual diagram for myself once I understand more. I'm currently stuck on Express routing, particularly nesting routes and filtering data based on parameters. I think I'm going to stew over this on the weekend.

Programming Journey: Humble Beginnings

 Hello! My name's Rosalyn and I'm finally starting to learn to code! I've been thinking about it and even made some solid attempts at teaching myself since 2017 at least. Now that I've got two lovely pets (my fur children) that I want to give the best life, I have enough drive to carry out my desire to take a chance and change careers! I signed up for the Thinkful bootcamp FullStack Course in late February of 2023 and I'm on track to graduate in August 2023. I'm excited! I'm so scared! But, I'm halfway through and I'm going to finish! All that said, I want to start a little blog to keep myself motivated (hopefully). So, here is post #1. What I've learned so far: JavaScript React HTML CSS React Native Happy Coding!