
Showing posts from May, 2023

Programming Journey: Humble Beginnings

 Hello! My name's Rosalyn and I'm finally starting to learn to code! I've been thinking about it and even made some solid attempts at teaching myself since 2017 at least. Now that I've got two lovely pets (my fur children) that I want to give the best life, I have enough drive to carry out my desire to take a chance and change careers! I signed up for the Thinkful bootcamp FullStack Course in late February of 2023 and I'm on track to graduate in August 2023. I'm excited! I'm so scared! But, I'm halfway through and I'm going to finish! All that said, I want to start a little blog to keep myself motivated (hopefully). So, here is post #1. What I've learned so far: JavaScript React HTML CSS React Native Happy Coding!